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4 Reasons to Blog Even if No One Reads Your Blog

January 19, 2012 6

Today’s blog post is about blogging, but before I begin I’d like to acknowledge that yesterday was a monumental day for internet users. The stop SOPA and PIPA campaigns were even more prominent than ever with sites such as Wikipedia, Reddit and Cragislist all blacking for 24 hours to make a statement on what the internet may look like if certain laws are passed. As someone who’s an Entrepreneur and Marketer in the digital space, the internet is essential for my business to thrive. I use the internet to connect with people, share information and  provide resources. Today’s post on “4 Reasons to Blog Even if No One Reads Your Blog” might not even be possible if SOPA or PIPA pass. So even if you did want to read my blog (which of course you all do anyway) you may not be able to! Oh and I’m pretty sure my video Shit Social Media Experts Say would definitely not fly under these new laws.

Marketing Melodie says Stop SOPA

Although blogging is a great marketing tool, it’s not the reason I blog, it just happens to be an amazing benefit. I’ve been blogging for almost 10 years yet I don’t ever think of myself as a blogger. Blogging is really just me writing and since I now do it online, instead of saying “I write”, I say, “I blog”. In college I used to blog daily on I wrote about my adventures, school, work and things I did and experienced day to day. Before blogging I used to journal. My parents had me journal as a kid to practice writing. I remember keeping a notebook and journaling as far back as kindergarten maybe even pre-school! (Even then I was an early adopter ;))

Journal Photo

Now I write to educate other, share my adventures and inspire both myself and my readers. I started my current website and blog, Marketing Melodie in March of 2008 (I can’t believe it’s been almost 4 years). When I started it, I was working for a large media company doing sales and marketing. I created the site to be a resource for clients and to educate myself. It’s since evolved into the marketing company I run today specializing in digital technology and social media.

Icon with Marketing Melodie LogoWhether it’s for your business (especially if it’s for your business) or personal I highly recommend everyone have a blog. I hear the excuse from so many people “But no one is going to read my blog”. So what if no one reads what you write? Write for YOU, write like no one is reading and don’t be afraid to put your thoughts down in a tangible place. By doing this you’ll receive so many benefits. So I present you with 4 Reasons to Blog Even if No One Reads Your Blog. 

Blog photo

  1. SEO– The first reason is just practical so let’s start with that. Even if a single soul doesn’t read your blog, updating your site with fresh, new content (this is especially important if it’s a business blog on your website) will significantly improve your SEO. Search engines pick up on fresh, new content and place a higher value on sites that have been recently updated versus stagnant sites that have been sitting around for months or years. Within each blog post you can create links with keywords directing readers to other areas of your site. I won’t get too technical here, but just know that blogging will improve your SEO.
  2. Blogging teaches youI learn something new every day and much of it is attributed to writing. I find that writing stuff down often teaches me how to be more clear and concise with the thoughts I have racing through my mind. Because I’m able to clarify my thoughts, Ican see things in a different perspective which in turn teaches me more about the very topic I’m blogging about.
  3. Blogging is cathartic– Sometimes you just need to get things off your chest. During these times, it can also difficult to say these things out loud. Well blogging is a great way to release any emotions you have stored up.  Not all blogs need to be public. If you write something but don’t yet feel ready to share it, there’s no shame in that. But at least you put it out into the world so it’s no longer just stored inside you. Putting things out there is also a great step in being able to let things go.
  4. Reflection– I just read a bunch of blog posts I wrote back in 2008. Wow it’s really amazing to be able to read the YOU from 4 years ago. Reading old posts really allows me to reflect on things I’ve done in the past but also appreciate the present moment. It brings into perspective even more of how everything that’s happened so far has led me to where I am today. I do find it amusing though because reading back on some of the stuff I wrote the thought “Are you kidding me? I actually said that?!” does tend to pop up a lot. Live and learn. Live and learn.

As you can see, writing, blogging, whatever you want to call it has helped me in so many ways. Please feel free to share with me other reason you blog. I leave you with a quote from a famous writer that really inspired me:

 “And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.  The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt”.  ~Sylvia Plath

6 comments Leave a comment

  1. I feel the same way, I recently changed blog names because I wanted to go on a new direction and I keep thinking about new blogs I want to do. Also being a Guest Writer in other people’s blogs is a great way to expand the knowledge without having to worry about constantly updating the site. 

    I spend at least one hour on each post, more if I’m including video, and even though I think only my friends will see it, I’m always surprised when I see the traffic and when people say they’ve read me. Blogging is awesome!

    • Anonymous says...

      Hi Ellie! Guest blogging is definitely a great idea to grow your own knowledge and expand your own audience, I’ll have to blog about guest blogging at some point 🙂

  2. Pingback: A Word with the Marketing Nerd @stef_funny (Pinning is Winning on Pinterest) : Marketing Melodie

  3. Anonymous says...

    I’m new to blogging, and like you, I kept journals while growing up and going to college.  The thing I love most is learning…blogging has renewed me!  You’re right..

    • Anonymous says...

      Hi Mimi! I’m glad to hear that blogging has renewed you, thanks for reading!

  4. Pingback: My Mandatory PR Post on the 20 Hottest Geek Girls of the Internet : Marketing Melodie

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