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Embracing the Change on Facebook and Google Plus

September 22, 2011

Yesterday morning I posted an update after waking up to a flood of other updates bashing on Facebook’s new layout.

“How much do you pay for Facebook? It’s a FREE tool so rather than complain be grateful. EMBRACE the change, they know what they’re doing” 

The purpose of my post was to merely put in perspective how we often forget to express our gratitude for resources provided to us free of any monetary costs. When we do express our feelings, it’s usually when we’re dissatisfied.

SomeECards Facebook change

I honestly wasn’t thinking about much more than pointing out a reason to be grateful for all the opportunities Facebook has created for us. Because I wasn’t thinking beyond my simple post, I’m so grateful and appreciative for  my community. Even though I teach people about marketing and social media, I learn so much every day from all of your social commentary and interactions. It’s because of my community; people who read my updates and most of all people who engage in conversation with me that I’m able to acquire so much knowledge and perspective on all the digital changes  constantly being made. I received many passionate and heated replies to this post in particular. Here goes….

9-21-2011 FB Change

   9-21-2011 FB Change2

9-22-2011 FB Changes

What’s everyone’s relationship with Google+? I jumped into it immediately but slowly went back to my regular Facebook and Twitter routine. I started posting less and less frequently. It was however quite the day for Social Media because Google+ made their network open to the public on the same day Facebook launched all their changes. The big blue arrow on my Google home page definitely reminded me to post a quick update on there.

Google Plus 2

9-21-2011 FB Change3

I received a few replies on Google+ and was happy to see that everyone who commented on my post was quite positive! From being online yesterday and talking to all of  you I definitely learned so much! If you’ve read all the social commentary/replies to my posts I trust you’ll also learn a lot from all the different viewpoints. Here are some highlights of great points and things I learned.

  1. Even though Facebook is a completely free service, meaning they require no monetary investment; many people feel that their personal information and data is more valuable and do feel that Facebook is receiving a lot in return for providing this “free” service.
  2.  While Google+ has been put on the back burner for a while, it seems that the Facebook changes are now driving more people to check out Google+ and embrace this new network.
  3. Social Networks are all communication tools that we don’t “own”. But we do have the freedom to customize our use of each one in ways that benefit us most.
  4. Facebook Privacy concerns. Any improvement on this? Nope!
  5. Google+ Innovations- Screen Share, multiple video chat which integrates with your phone and SEARCH!

I appreciate each and everyone person who takes the time to reply to me and teach me something new. I take your comments and apply them to my own insights which allows me to have an even broader perspective when I teach others. And now I leave you with this inspiring quote:

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude” ~Maya Angelou 


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