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Hey look! Marketing Melodie is on Mashable!

October 18, 2011 2

Who doesn’t love being featured on Mashable? It’s the top tech/social media website out there. Any appearance on Mashable is exciting and phenomenal exposure! My friend and business alliance @ChrisKirkman received thousands of downloads for his Digital Business card iPhone App uME when it was featured on Mashable . My nerdy friend @JenFriel who I had the honor of hosting in San Diego this past weekend, states that having her screenshot on Mashable was one of the greatest moments of her life! Well now I’m joining the Mashable Fame club!

I read Mashable articles almost daily but I don’t read every single one so I actually missed the post I was in. It was written by my friend @jbruin about essential apps for your iPhone. Reading iPhone articles aren’t a priority since I have a Droid, although I do keep up with Apple and even  honored Steve Jobs in my reflection on his life. Either way, this particular article made me Mashable famous, so I just wanted to share the great news with everyone. Of course my screenshot was from Foursquare which made me happy because I’m such a Foursquare enthusiast!

Mashable Feature

Before I end this post, have I mentioned how grateful I am for my Twitter community? I really can’t emphasize this enough. I would have never known about my feature on Mashable if it weren’t for a tweet I received. My followers are awesome and break news to me before I hear it anywhere else! They also look out for me and keep me informed when they see things that remind them of me. I had no idea that my very own Microsoft commercial aired until I received tweets from followers who saw it! Same goes for this Mashable article. I received a tweet from a follower who recognized my itty bitty avatar! Wow @swenggirl has a good eye!

Mashable TweetHave you ever been excited to be featured somewhere? Have you experienced finding out news about yourself on Social Media? Well there you have it, my first appearance on Mashable!

Mashable Tweet

Lauren Huston Facebook Feature

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  1. Pingback: My Mandatory PR Post on the 20 Hottest Geek Girls of the Internet : Marketing Melodie

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