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Why You Should Attend #SXSWYoga with Marketing Melodie, Saturday March 14th, 9:30am

March 8, 2015

Next weekend will be my 4th year attending SXSW in Austin and it’s my 3rd year speaking. Being a SXSW speaker is definitely an accomplishment I am very proud of. Back by popular demand I will once again be presenting my session Come As You Are Yoga on Saturday March 14th, 2015 at 9:30am in Room 8A at the Austin Convention Center. To bookmark my session in your SXSW Schedule, click here.

Marketing Melodie Returns to SXSW 2015

You might be thinking “there are thousands of SXSW sessions, why should I come to yours?”. Here are just a few reasons:

1. This is a unique session because it’s interactive and engaging. That’s right, you will actually be participating in a yoga class. All poses are modified so you can do them in your conference clothes. This is a great way to mix it up from all the sessions you’ll attend where you are sitting and listening. Every year I get at least one person who has never tried yoga before. I love that I’m introducing someone new to yoga at a tech conference! I also get very advanced yogis who are happy for an opportunity to practice while traveling. All levels are welcome.

2. Learn yoga poses to do at home and in the office– During our class I will talk about yoga poses you can easily incorporate into your busy lifestyle at work, while sitting at your desk and poses you can do at home. Not everyone can make it to a yoga studio or class but the wonderful thing about yoga is that it’s something you can do anywhere and everywhere (Yes even SXSW!). All attendees will receive a sheet with my yoga tips and a way to follow up with me with additional questions.

Yoga in the Office

3. Prepare your mind and body for enlightenment– SXSW can be information overload. How do you know which sessions to go to? Which networking events to go to? How do you avoid the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) syndrome? We will start the with an intention to let go of these expectations and fears so you can successfully navigate and enjoy every moment of your SXSW experience. In a sense, I’ll be preparing you for enlightenment at the conference! How cool would it be to return home and tell your colleagues about this experience ?

4. Relax at the quietest place in the convention center– No matter what is happening outside our yoga room, we still have the power to relax and turn inward before going back out into the chaos at the quietest place in the entire convention center, maybe even in all of downtown Austin. This is another beautiful thing about yoga. Someone could be standing right outside your window screaming, yet you have the power to acknowledge the disturbance, let it go and focus on your own yoga.

 5. Network with other like-minded professionals– Yoga is the common bond that will bring us all together. Meet other successful entrepreneurs, business professionals and SXSW attendees who care about health and wellness enough to make it a priority during their busy day. Every year, great networking occurs both before and after this session. Business cards are exchanged, online connections added  and new friends are made.

If you are going to be in Austin next week, let me know! I have less than 48 hours in Austin so I’ll be making the most of my time there. I already have a packed schedule for March 13th and March 14th but as a 4th year SXSW attendee, I know very well that schedules need to be kept flexible. If you want to guarantee to connect with me, then I’ll see you on Saturday March 14th, 9:30am at the Austin Convention Center, Room 8A! The full #SXSWYoga schedule can be found here. Have a wonderful SXSW everyone.


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