GIVEAWAY: Tell Me How You’re Going Green to Win a Sony Walkman + Other Cool Swag!
It’s been a while since I’ve hosted a giveaway and there’s no better time to do another one than now. In the past I’ve given away things such as Legoland tickets, social media swag bags and tickets to social media educational events. Today I’m giving away an awesome social media/ fitness swag bag which includes a brand new Sony Walkman W. I’m very fortunate to receive an abundance products, samples and swag from marketing, social media and fitness conventions I attend, gifts I receive and companies that want to get their products in the hands of online influencers. As a way to give back and pay it forward, I’ve put together the ultimate social media/ fitness swag bag just for you.
As I just mentioned, the featured item in here is a throw back to the Sony Walk Man, but we’re kicking it up a notch from the old school version. This is a 2GB W Series Walkman. It’s a water resistant MP3 player and you’re getting the Meb Keflezighi edition pictured below. It’s perfect for running and working out at the gym. I know that someone out there will appreciate this music device and be inspired to workout with it!
Among the other items in the giveaway is a plethora of swag I’ve accumulated and want to share. They are things that will help with your fitness ventures or are related to social media in some way. Yep, even in my giveaway I’m combining my passions for social media and fitness. Here are some other goodies you’ll get.
- YMCA/ FriarFit Pedometer– Track your steps and encourage yourself to take the stairs instead of the elevator and walk to the store across the street you normally drive to.
- Beyond Yoga Headband– Keep your hair out of your face and make sure you’ve got something to keep your forehead clean when you’re working up a sweat
- Yelp Sunglasses– Who doesn’t need an extra pair of sunnies with summer coming up?
- 2 Limited Edition Foursquare Water Bottles– Stay hydrated with these collapsible water bottles.
- Red Bull– To give you wings when you work out!
- All of the prizes listed and pictured (plus maybe even more) will come in a nice reusable bag that I encourage you use when you go shopping rather than wasting paper or plastic.
HOW TO ENTER- I’m hosting this giveaway to pay it forward and share the abundance in my life so to enter please comment on by answering this question: What are you doing to go green? This question is inspired by the Earth Day post I wrote this year on 5 ways to go green while marketing your business and the post I wrote last year on 12 ways to go green at work. Since I’m paying it forward with this contest, I want all of you to pay it forward to the earth we live on. If you read my posts and are already doing some of those things, then write that in the comments or perhaps you’re doing something else I didn’t list. Either way, share with me what you’re doing to help create a more sustainable earth!
ADDITIONAL ENTRIES- All entrants must leave a comment on this post to win. Each person can enter up to 2 more times by Tweeting this post and sharing it on any other social network. Please make sure to include my Twitter handle @MyMelodie when Tweeting so I can track your shares.
DEADLINE TO ENTER- I’ll announce the winner in a week on Monday April 29th at noon. I’m choosing a Monday because most people don’t like this day but you will if you win my prize! If the winner is local in San Diego, we can arrange a prize pickup. If the winner is outside of San Diego I will ship the items.
I do my best to provide value to all of my readers so if you’re interested in hosting a contest of your own, I wrote a post a while back with tips on hosting a successful contest on social media. I really want this contest to inspire people to make every day Earth Day and start creating healthier habits in the way to live our lives. I’m really grateful to have items to give away and am excited to learn some more ways on going green. Best of luck on winning to everyone.
At home, I have separate bins for trash and recycling, and I’m also very careful about turning off all lights and electronics in a room whenever I exit.
Thanks for sharing Debbie! I also have separate bins for trash and recycling. My recycling bin is bigger than my trash bin. I definitely recycle more than I throw things away.
I am an avid “recycler” not just bottles and cans but I try to recycle any food wrapping or packaging that I can. The white bins are my friends! I also recycle plastic bags at the grocery story after I use them to tote lunch or soiled gym clothes. I use reusable bottles, have them at home & at work so it’s never necessary to have a plastic bottle. I’m a big fan of biodegradable & earth-friendly cleaning products, cleansers, detergents, etc…it may cost more, but I feel better about my usage. Finally, I try and drive as little as possible, keep my tires inflated for best gas mileage and watch my speed! Going green is great!
Earth friendly cleaning products are a great idea! I’ll have to include that on my next go green list. Thanks for sharing and entering.
1.) Recycle Everything!
2.) Recycled Paper bags instead of Plastic (Minimize Impact on Great Pacific Garbage patch).
3.) Public Transportation when Possible.
4.) Turn off/put electronics into sleep mode when not in use.
Thanks for entering Jeff! I’m happy to see you’re doing so many things to go green.
Thanks. I try, but I feel I could always do more. 😉
Things I do to stay green: I commute(ride my bike) when ever I can, Use LED bulbs in the house, Car2Go member and try to use their all electric cars when ever possible(which is most of the time) , have made my room reflective surfaces to make sure I can just go off window light for more of the day, Reuse grocery bags as trash bags, use all rechargeable batteries for everything in the house, use water filters and reusable water bottles, bring my own mug to starbucks to avoid having to use the disposable cups, I recycle,turn off everything in rooms that arent being used at the moment, I usually make sure to buy high efficiency electronics and appliances, usually prefer biodegradable or more earth friendly products for anything I buy, uh i think thats it so far, or at least thats all I remember right now. Ha
Thanks for entering. I’m a Car2Go member too. Next time I write a post about going green I’ll have to include car sharing, thanks for the reminder. How do you make your room reflective? I’d be interested in doing that to my room.
Every time I go see the padres try to win I ride the trolley and instead of parking downtown I park about a mile or so away and walk plus it doesn’t cost either so no wasting money by feeding the meter to go into the city that has no idea how to budget
I have taken the Trolley to watch the Padres many times. It’s definitely a great way to go green. Now it only we would win more games :).
I just moved to the bay area. Here in Berkeley/Oakland, I have very quickly gotten used to a much greener way of life:
–No disposable bags, only reusable. Not even paper.
–Recycling pretty much everything.
–Composting most of the rest.
–Eliminating paper towels, We just use sponges and cloth.
–Walking and taking public transportation whenever possible.
I was amazed at how quickly I adjusted to these changes.
Hi Claire! Happy to hear you’re doing well up in the Bay and that your new home includes so many new eco friendly changes. Composting is the one thing I don’t do that I wish I could. I really wish San Diego had compost bins like they do in Nor Cal. I’ll let you know next time I’m in the bay.
Yes, please do let me know when you’re in the area Melodie! I’d love to see you!!
I wasn’t aware of how much paper is wasted in our daily life. Especially at work considering that we use 115.000.000 sheets of paper in our jobs worldwide per year. So, I have came to the realization that the way we use paper in our lives is a very important issue. For instance, I began to reduce my consumption of paper at work by applying some simple tips. First, as you said in your article, nowadays more and more people are getting smart phones doing the communication through electronic devices easier. Therefore, everyday I just try to send more emails and text messages instead of using paper. Secondly, when the use of paper is mandatory, I print sheets in both sides, saving a lot. Finally, I always check thoroughly my documents before printing, so that I don’t have to reprint and use more paper unnecessarily.
Thanks for sharing and great tips! I’m definitely going to include printing on both sides of paper on my next list of tips I share.
Since the contest is a mix between ecologic and sportive, considering the prize. I think it would be appropriate to mention a tip for those (including me) who love to workout or practice any sport. Recently, I heard about many clothing brands which are getting ahead in the organic clothing business. It is a great option to be friendly with the environment while we do some workout. There are brands that add a percentage of organic cotton to their collections and they even make 100% organic cotton men’s as well as women’s apparel. Then, why not take this step towards environmental sustainability? It is very innovative and could be a great opportunity not only for the sports lovers but also for companies in order to be more ecological through the implementation of uniforms with these characteristics for their employees.
The electronic waste has become quite common in our homes. But, are we handling this kind of waste correctly? We can’t mix our old and non-functional electronic devices with the regular garbage at home. The e-waste contains a lot of harmful component for human beings. For example, batteries have chemical substances that contaminate the environment. Thus, what I always do is collect all the mobile phones that through the years have become useless in my family and I take them to the respective carrier so that they can be treated properly and recycled in order to manufacture new ones.
Just announced the winner for the Sony Walkman W and the Swag Bag in my latest post here:
Thanks so much to everyone else for reading, entering and sharing your tips to go green! Please stay tuned. I’ll be compiling the green tips in a new blog post at some point and I’ll definitely be hosting more contests!